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Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Aspects at KSCS

Work Experience Placements – July 9th-20th

From July 9th to 20th, Year 12 BTEC National Travel and Tourism students undertake a 2 week work placement in a Travel and Tourism setting.

The placements include Thomas Cook HQ, Holiday Inn, Premier Inn, Park Inn, and The Peterborough Visitor Centre. Students ate given a range of tasks to do whilst on the placement and this directly support the Travel and Tourism BTEC Units: ‘Customer Service in Travel and Tourism’ and ‘Work Experience in the Travel and Tourism Sector’. 


BTEC National Level 3 Travel and Tourism students (participants)

Sarah Bates (staff visiting students on placement)

Aspect of SMSC

Moral Development
Social Development
Cultural Development

Reason for event

Students are required to research and find their own placement. They are required to make their CV’s, attend an interview and accept their placements considering the constraints and impacts this may have on them and their life e.g. travel to work and part time job commitments . Whilst on the placements they have to be punctual and wear a specified uniform and are under the supervision of their mentor. They are formally observed carrying out a range of activities such as teamwork, using their initiative, customer service and selling.

They will have to step outside their comfort zone working with a range of people from different backgrounds and nationalities and will have to be very disciplined with time management and respecting authority.

The students keep a daily diary of their activities, are observed frequently and look for a reference at the end of the placement from their employer. The overall impact not only directly assists with 2 of their coursework units but provides an excellent opportunity to experience working in the Travel and Tourism industry, improving time management skills, improving interview and CV writing skills and they ca use this as experience on their CV and UCAS applications.

Ken Stimpson Academy
Staniland Way
PE4 6JT (Sat Nav users: PE4 6WR)